dotNET Obfuscator secures dotNET project source code .NET

Published: 14 Jan 2024

Code Obfuscation

Code obfuscation provides a level of software protection against unauthorized reverse engineering.

Control Flow Obfuscation

This technique aims to deter decompilers and deobfuscators by:

* Scramble Method Code: This "spaghetti code" obfuscates assembly method implementations, making interpretation difficult.
* Insertion of Instructions: The obfuscation algorithm distorts IL code by inserting branch instructions, which increases the assembly size.

Skater .NET Obfuscator

This obfuscator employs multiple methods to protect assemblies:

* Name Obfuscation: Renaming assembly members to meaningless values.
* String Encryption: Encrypting string constants.
* Tricking Code Commands: Including misleading code that prevents recompilation of disassembled code.

Recommended Optimization

If maximum code protection is not essential, consider disabling Control Flow obfuscation to reduce the size of the output executable.