Medical lab Results bloodtest

Published: 18 Feb 2024

Lab blood testing also goes a step further in the world of genetics as well as forensics.
Samples given can be analyzed deeply to answer several questions. In the case of forensics, it can be used to identify people, criminals, elements in blood that are not meant to be there and the like. In the case of genetics, it can be used to determine paternity, it can be used to determine how prone one can be to a hereditary illness.

Blood tests that can determine your risk of heart disease
Your individual risk of heart disease is determined by several factors, such as your age, family history, and other medical conditions. Below, we'll identify which blood tests can give insights into your heart health and when they are useful. Ideal levels are usually set based on large research studies. When you see a healthcare provider, they may order certain blood tests to help determine your cardiac risk, including:
Lipid profile, including blood cholesterol levels and triglycerides
High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)
Apolipoprotein B
Along with a detailed medical history and physical exam, these blood tests can help paint a picture of your overall heart health and risk for cardiovascular disease. During routine medical visits, your physician may recommend you get standard blood tests to check your overall health. Since lab values can differ slightly from lab to lab, and because every "body" is different, it is important that you discuss your results with your healthcare provider so you can know what your blood test results mean for you and your health. Based on your age, family history, and risk factors, you may also need additional blood tests to determine your risk of developing cardiovascular disease (including heart disease and strokes).
In people experiencing heart symptoms, different, more specialized tests can determine if there is an immediate heart problem or if there has been heart damage. We will discuss these tests in more detail here, along with the "ideal level" for each of these tests.