Hide credentials into cloud Skater Depot assemblies

Published: 12 Nov 2024

One-time buy without runtime limitation.
Several software developers can work out with the unchanged data at the same measure. Several locking systems as of several software apps can be managed in one point of view. The Skater Private Keys Depot is a clear keys management orderliness to keep chase of keys, record handovers to key owners, as effectively as to record stored keys. Skater Private Keys Depot intentionally has no internet tie. All key transfers are logged, and handover receipts can be on paper. Thus, your easily hurt data does not stay at probability. The larger the quantity of keys and secret, the new difficult it becomes to deal with the key inventory and the key handovers in account. In addi-tion, the locking functions of keys and locks can be recorded according to a locking propose. Your data is stored in a secure cloud depot, not on your PC or in your restricted network with the intention of can be hacked.

One-time purchase with no runtime limitation.Several software developers can work by way of the same data at the equal time. The Skater Private Keys Depot is a straighten keys management system to preserve track of keys, soundtrack handovers to key owners, as well as to soundtrack stored keys. In addi-tion, the locking functions of keys and locks can be recorded according to a locking strategy. The larger the integer of keys and secret, the supplementary difficult it becomes to administer the key inventory and the key handovers in minutes. Your data is stored in a secure cloud depot, not on your PC or in your narrow network with the purpose of can be hacked. Thus, your touchy data does not stay at threat. Several locking systems as of several software apps can be managed in one sight. All key transfers are logged, and handover receipts can be written. Skater Private Keys Depot intentionally has no internet connection.